During the early days of our nation it was said that people were living in times that tried the soul and so it is with us today ... over 230 years after the fact. Gazing on the politics of earth through the bifocals of heaven is a daunting task. What is really going on "behind the scenes"? When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel came to call, many in the media reported that we were "demanding" and "rude". Were we? If so, why... and will there be any long and/or short term consequences? Since the Word of God promises that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse her will be cursed, are we destined, therefore, to suffer under the mighty hand of God's judgment for our unseemly behavior towards the apple of God's eye? After some consideration, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps our brusque treatment of Israel is just the tip of an iceberg...a myopic view of a much larger picture. We are a nation submerged in an sea of spiritual darkness. When judgment comes, I believe that it will come for many reasons, including our slighting of Israel. The days of reciting Scripture in the school house are long behind us. The principles of God's Word no longer guide us as a people. In fact, at this very moment we permit and even encourage every type of abomination known to man under the guise of freedom... openly “legislating” depravity. Though these things should not be, they are! As believers, many of us have scoured "many a Bible verse" looking for even the slightest prophetic allusion to our country. Alas I do not believe America can be found! If our story is not secreted, as a nation somewhere, buried deeply within the pages of "The Book of Books", yet to be discovered, are we not then a people conspicuous by our absence? If this land that we cherish, the land for which many have bled and died, is missing from the prophetic pages of God's Word, how then shall we live? We cannot "vote" ourselves into the Scriptures. We cannot “vote” God and His Word back into the public arena either. The clock of prophecy is ticking… and it is Israel... the timepiece of God... which we hear. Scripture tells us that the nations of the earth will be judged for the way they treated His timepiece. Judgment may well come upon America, in part, due to the pressures and demands we put upon His Land .However, let us be mindful also, that according to the Scriptures, judgment begins first at the household of God! While we dwell in a nation controlled by worldly policies and politics… never should we lose sight of our primary calling to be His body, the Church. While it is yet day, how we need to walk as children of light! We are told by Him to expect life in the end times to be as it was in the days of Noah. Men shall be lovers of self, unfaithful and unholy. Therefore, we should not be surprised at the world's darkened state. However, in the midst of the darkness, our wonderful Messiah promises that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, He will return for us at a time when we think not! Until then, may we “abide” in Him ... ever faithful…bearing good fruit... sharing the Gospel... praying for the true peace of Jerusalem. How exciting to know that our glorious Redeemer awaits... perhaps He is even at the door! Maranatha! Even so, Come Lord Jesus.
AuthorLAURIE BARNETT is the founder of Shadows of the Messiah, a Bible teaching ministry that shares the richness of the Hebraic foundations of Scripture with women in the Body of Christ. Laurie began examining the Jewish background of the teachings of Jesus and of the New Testament more than 25 years ago. Archives
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